About me

I discovered fandom in 1975, when I attended Aussiecon at the urging of some American friends. There I encountered John Bangsund, whom I had previously met professionally but without learning of his interest in science fiction. John sent me some of his fanzines and I was hooked.

Before long I was publishing my own zines (primarily WeberWoman’s Wrevenge), participating in apas, and attending conventions. A few years after that, I got involved with Eric Lindsay and spent some years in total immersion, culminating in our joint win of a GUFF (Getting-Up-Fan-Fund) trip to the UK in 2000 (followed by production of an online and printed trip report as well as fund administration).

After a 20-year run, WeberWoman’s Wrevenge went into hiatus after March 2001 as I concentrated on other interests.

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